About Us

Our Mission

To be the leading musculoskeletal & sports physiotherapy clinic that provides clients with professional care that fulfil their needs at a reasonable price.

What Sets Us Apart

1. Post-graduate physiotherapists
2. Specialize in persistent pain and sports injuries
3. Provide evidence-based treatment
4. Conduct customized classes
5. Provide musculoskeletal screening and performance maximization for specific sports


The Team

Chionh Woei Seng Marc

Marc is a musculoskeletal physiotherapist with more than 25 years of clinical experience. He specializes in orthopaedic and spinal conditions as well as sports injuries. On top of his clinical practice, he is also an adjunct associate at the Singapore Institute of Technology, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences teaching the undergraduate physiotherapy programme. Marc has also spoken and conducted numerous workshops, both locally and around Asia region. 

Clinical Experience:

  • National University Hospital
  • Emmanuel Physiotherapy Pte Ltd
  • Soldier Performance Centre

Teaching Experience:

  • Adjunct Associate – Singapore Institute of Technology, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences (2016 -Present)
  • Adjunct Lecturer & Clinical Instructor – Nanyang Polytechnic, School of Health Sciences (2013-2018)
  • Trainer – ProAge (2015-Present)
  • Trainer – Winback Medical Asia: Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia and China (2014-1017)

Qualification & Registration:

  • Masters of Manual Therapy (UWA, Aus)
  • Post Grad Cert in Orthopaedic Manual Therapy (Curtin Uni, Aus)
  • Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Curtin Uni, Aus)
  • Certified in Clinical Pilates & Dry Needling
  • Registered Physiotherapist (Allied Health Professions Council, MOH)
  • Member, Singapore Physiotherapy Association

Ben Tong Minyao

Ben profile picture 200px by 300px

  • Master of Physiotherapy (CU, AUS)
  • Bachelor of Exercise and Health Science (UWA, AUS)
  • Registered Physiotherapist (Allied Health Professions Council, MOH)

Ben is a Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist who holds a Postgraduate Masters in physiotherapy and a Degree in Sports Science from Australia. He is also certified in Dry Needling and Kinesiology Taping.

He was an employee in Singapore Arm Forces (SAF), treating a wide variety of patient profile ranging from office workers, newly enlisted recruits to the most elite soldiers.

On top of that, he has worked closely with Naval Diving Unit (NDU) on numerous projects which include musculoskeletal screening, designing exercise programs and performance enhancement.

Additionally, he has collaborated with Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) and Ranger candidates on numerous projects relating to injury prevention.

Ben’s primary specialty area is in rehabilitating sports injuries and optimizing sports performance. He also has expertise in the management of postural back and neck disorders commonly associated with office workers.


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  Tel: 6570 5011
Sms/WhatsApp: 9173 5114

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