Strong Bones (Osteoporosis)

Strong Bones OsteoporosisOsteoporosis is the gradual and silent loss of bone, characterized by low bone mass which can increase the risk of bone fractures.

Research has shown that certain exercises can increase the risk of bone fractures. Therefore, a well-design exercise program is required to treat this condition.

“Strong Bones” centers on appropriate exercises to gradually load the body with resistance to stimulate growth in bone density. Supplementary, we will review and address your lifestyle, physical activity and other risk factors that may be causing this disorder.

Research has shown that a higher percentage of women with post-menopause osteoporosis had a history of 1 or more falls than women without osteoporosis. In addition, poor trunk muscle strength and the presence of osteoporosis are associated with increased risk of fall.


Benefits of the program:

  • Increase bone density
  • Reduce pain
  • Improve physical fitness, strength and mobility
  • Improve balance and coordination (falls prevention)
  • Decrease of bone fractures caused by falls

Who may benefit from it?

  • Middle-age individuals and beyond with sedentary lifestyle
  • Women with decrease estrogen levels at menopause
  • Individuals with family history of osteoporosis
  • Individuals with smaller body frame size
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  Tel: 6570 5011
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